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Out of Room in my Head

A white bowl with bread salad in it

I have no resolutions to break.

The rule of this year is that there are no rules. Instead of making big resolutions at the start of the year, I like to organize & reframe my goals as they arrive. To me, micro-goals are just as important (if not more) than the big dreams and aspirations. And everyone knows the astrological clock resets in March ;) At the end of December, I decided to call in creativity...and that's exactly what has happened. More music, more projects, and personal projects will make their way to the surface this year. Stay tuned...

- Gill

So tired of doing nothing...way too tired to do anything about it. - Ethan Tasch

Best of the Month

Podcast listening for me has always been entertaining or thought provoking, but never educational...until now. I discovered Huberman Lab early this month and haven't stopped listening since. It is a heavy podcast with a lot of scientific information, so it definitely requires more attention or focus while listening than I am used to. The episodes are also between 2 and 4 hours, so I approach it in small bursts throughout the week, but it is so worth it. I am a lifelong student who loves to learn, so this is the perfect way to link personal development habits with scientific information. It teaches me about my body and brain in a no B.S., unspiritual, uncreative way, which is so satisfying, especially since so much of my life is filled with creative juices.

What I'm Reading

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Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

And, this is a total 180 from Huberman Lab. I know I said no resolutions...but I do want to read more books this year. Less of a resolution, more of a goal. This month I tackled Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, a book that has been recommended to me time & time again. I ordered a copy from Thriftbooks (the best place to get books from other than a library) and it came signed by the author. What luck! It is a discussion about the creative process. It teaches you to invite fear to the table & let it be a part of what you're creating.

What I'm Listening To

For more playlists, follow me on Spotify >>

All My Favorites

Check out the full + ever evolving playlist on YOUTUBE, SPOTIFY, or convert to your preferred platform via TUNEMYMUSIC >>


Other people being awesome...

"Swallowed" by The Lucky Valentines

This song (and record coming your way April 14th, 2023) is a musical conversation about the beauty and sadness of life. Shaun & Jamie are incredible people and musicians, and you will not regret giving them a listen >>

"Godzilla" by Nanna

Although I did not work on this session, I was around for a few days of it and immediately felt nostalgic upon hearing Nanna sing. It was partially because I grew up listening to her with Of Monsters and Men, but her music makes me yearn for something I once knew. Plus it was recorded, mixed, and mastered by my mentor D. James Goodwin. Give it some love >>


Want to improve your audio?

Gill with the G

Gillian Pelkonen is a musician & audio engineer based in New York. She makes her own music and is always looking to collaborate. As an Audio Engineer, she helps people elevate their sound, and specializes in techniques that enhance natural vocal texture & dynamics (aka the best parts of your unique voice).


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